Thursday, July 29, 2010

Ode to Chiara

A tempestuous squall from Chiara
As she bounced into Guadalajara.
Her parents did freak,
The baby did shriek,
Yet calmed with pasta marinara.

Babysitting technique of the master

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Picasa web album

So I have finally gotten around to making a photo album on the internet where Chiara's pictures can be updated and seen easily. The link will be the same but hopefully the pictures will change with time. Keep it bookmarked to see how Chiara is developing (and maybe a few of Dave and I too!).

Friday, July 9, 2010

July 2010

Here we go. Finally I've had time to download some pictures of Chiara. Here's some good ones from the past couple of weeks.

This weekend Mike (Dave's bro) is in town visiting. We've gone from 60 degrees and cloudy to 95 degrees and broiling sun over night. It's crazy! Everyone in Seattle is out and about. No one is cooking in their homes because it's too hot so all the restaurants are packed. And the city has finally filled up the wading pools. Maybe we'll get to take Chiara to her first wading pool this weekend!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


We have been in Seattle now for 7 weeks already. We can't believe it. Time has really flown by. We spent most of our first weeks here unpacking the massive quantities of boxes that the movers dropped off. They used so much paper to wrap everything in that it has taken us for ever to individually unwrap all of our belongings, from our precious china all the way down to the duct tape and spackle.

Once the rest of our boxes are unpacked, we'll take some pictures of the house so everyone who hasn't seen it yet can get a sneak peak until you come visit us. And yes, visitors are always welcome!

Here are some pictures of Chiara, Dave and Amber from May and June 2010. Click on the picture and enjoy! We'll try to post more soon.